Not everyone is the same in this society. Some may remember it as unique. 90 percent of right-handed people are left-handed, while left-handed people are rarely seen. That’s why we look special wherever they appear. Let’s talk specifically about them. There are still some myths circulating about Lefthanders. But even these myths are in their favor. This type of gain is scientifically called ‘Negative Frequency-Dependent Selection’

Many people mistake left-handers for genetic disorders. In addition, there was a campaign at the time that people would die quickly of immune-related diseases. To this day, no scientific reason can be found for why left-handedness occurs in humans. It is not a habit that comes at birth or is forced. But scientists say that’s just one of the reasons why the bodies depend on the anatomical function. The human brain has two halves, the right, and the left. The right body is controlled by the left half of the brain. Also, the right half of the brain controls the left side of the body. This means that while most scientists believe that the right hemisphere of the brain may be affected by left-handedness, others believe that it may also be based on genetic efficiency.

World Left-Handers Day
Seven to ten percent of the population on this earth is left-handed. That is why it is a special day. Celebrating “August 13”. Celebrated every year since 1976. Dean R. Campbell, who served in the U.S. Army, is the source of the day. He is the founder of LeftHanders International. Awareness programs on the inconveniences faced by leftists today provide the necessary impetus to overcome them. Lefty clubs run these events.
Is Discipline Better?
Are they left when children between the ages of one and a half to two years start holding objects? Right? The hand can be identified as they are. But, some parents consider the left-hand stake to be a bad habit. Forcibly trying to wean off that habit. However, psychiatrists say it has an effect on children’s brains. They warn that snails and mental problems are possible along with brain diseases. That is why it should not be considered as a part of the anatomical order … it should not be considered as harm. Some left-handed people are seen as unclean and strange. The myth that homosexuals are more prevalent in the Left also runs rampant in Western Countries. These days it is not fair but .. once upon a time, the situation of the Left was very bad. Mistaking them for the wrong people. Those who think of themselves as sorcerers and imitators of Satan. There have been many instances in history where some have been killed with the same suspicion.
IQ level
Left-handed people are called Leftie, Cinistrol, Southpaw, Left Handed, Left Hander. Actor Charlie Chaplin, Apple boss Steve Jobs, Microsoft boss Bill Gates, former US President Barack Obama. As for our country .. Mahatma Gandhi, current Prime Minister Narendra Modi, actor Amitabh Bachchan, cricket God Sachin Tendulkar, producer Karan Johar, the list of left-hand users is huge. The propaganda is that the left hand is all smart. However, the IQ level in the left is really high compared to the right hand. Scientists say that the power of speech, speed, ability to understand, the ability to understand, the clarity of expression are good in them. The ‘corpus callosum’, which connects the right and left halves of the brain, is more common in the left hand. They explain that this is one of the reasons why the brain works so actively and efficiently.
Some people voluntarily change their hand habits as they get older. Doctors are very good at that habit. This is said to increase coordination between the left brain and the right brain. To be able to perform their tasks more tactfully. Both hands can be used equally and gracefully. These are called ‘ambidextrous.
Especially the market
‘Leftis’ difficulties are not uncommon. Consumables are not available. While some are trying to overcome those problems .. it is not going to be complete. That’s why some companies have come out specifically for lefties. They sell items exclusively to left-handed people. Scissors, cups, pens, pencils, notebooks … and many other items are designed by left-handed companies. Kitchen cups, spatulas, and spoons are also available. A wide variety of items are available, such as pens, watches, and guitars.
Whats More
Just like the hands .. there is also the shape of the legs. Right leg use is more common in right-handed people and left-handed use is more common in left-handed people. Left-handed people first look with the left eye to see anything.
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