Cardiovascular disease is the world’s deadliest disease. Yes, covid-19 doesn’t top the list. Do you know how many people die of heart problems every year; 18.6 million people across the world succumb to it.
Most people think you need to think of your heart when you are old. You get cardiovascular problems when you are old. But this is not the case. You can get heart disease at any stage of your life and recent events have proven that anyone can have a cardiovascular attack. People of the 30-45 age group are the ones mostly having heart problems. Earlier it may have been the older generation but now it isn’t. why?
Changing lifestyles, stagnant mechanical life, increasing stress, consuming dairy diet, high blood pressure, diabetes as well as loss of control over body weight, and neglect of medical tests are the main causes of heart problems.
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In addition, diabetes has become a major threat. High blood pressure and obesity are also serious problems.
Heart attack deaths have naturally increased over the past two years. In addition, the corona epidemic has doubled. Heart attack is the leading cause of death, regardless of age.
It is estimated that 35 percent of the people in a district suffer from heart-related problems. Of these, 22 percent were males and 13 percent were females. About 40 percent in rural areas and 56 percent in urban areas, according to the doctors. Only 10 percent of those who experience a sudden problem are recovering from treatment.
For those under 20 heart attack is very rare but this was earlier now from 20-year-old to 70-year-olds are being attacked any moment, anywhere. The main causes are high stress, smoking, alcohol, early childhood diabetes, BP, fast food, obesity, and bad cholesterol. About 70 percent of the 100 patients who come to the hospital are suffering from heart disease.
Heart-related problems have increased by 50 to 60 percent due to covid-19 in the country. The problem worsens between 7 and 10 days after corona infection. In the past, the problem was due to high cholesterol, BP, sugar, alcohol, and cigarettes. But now covid has also become one of the causes of heart attacks. Patients who have recovered from the virus have complained about cardiovascular problems weeks after discharge and some of these cases have even died due to it. Hence, take necessary precautions, follow up with your doctor if you have any uneasiness, and take regular checkups.
Excessive fatigue and heart pain should be treated immediately by a cardiologist. Undergo the necessary tests.
Covid-19 pandemic has made everything virtual and from home. we work from home, learn from home, buy and sell from home. so what is sitting at home making you? The answer is, lazy. Yes, people are getting lazier than ever before due to settling at home and this covid home phase as closed up people and most do not like to come out of their nest.

Children would go to school and run around mingling throughout the day and working people would have some ups and downs throughout the building or just a coffee break to the corner café but now children are always sitting in front of the TV, eating a snack and without any exercise, obesity has increased and heart-related diseases are coming at a young age.
While the working people complete tasks and fall asleep without any exercise. Work from home has become stressful than convenient. In the office, they might have had the manager pressure but at home, they have the deadline pressure.
When you don’t have any physical activity or exercise throughout the day fat builds up and blocks your blood circulation without giving you the slightest hint. Ending up with heart and brain stroke.
So what you have to do right. First of all, stop ignoring or pushing things. Get physically active. Whether it’s just picking up groceries or doing laundry or watering plants it doesn’t matter. Be active do not stick to one place forever. Even your couch would be bored of you.

Exercise for 30-45 minutes a day and avoid spicy foods. Create a healthy diet plan, avoid as much dairy as possible, and consume meat only once a week.
Do not ignore the red signs. If you feel any pain in your chest contact the doctor immediately whether it is minor or major because you always need to be a step ahead in keeping yourself safe.
This year “Use Heart To Connect.” the theme of World Heart Day by WHO.
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