The stress is increasing substantially every day whether it is work from home or it is work from office. work-from-home does not look as easy it looks for the outsiders.
Employees of software companies have been instructed to continue work-from-home basis due to the Third Wave. In the beginning, people thought they were saving a lot of money and time since work from home was convenient they did not have to spend on petrol or food and waste time commuting but only are the disadvantages of it are rising.
A quiet, secluded room is easy to work with but the office atmosphere is totally different than the one at home. In-office, if you have any difficulty or any problem you can just approach them and ask seniors or colleagues to clarify your doubts.
Read More: Survey reveals employees do not want to shift to work from office
However, one doesn’t have adequate facilities while working at home.
Many people suffer from various ailments due to having a laptop on their bed or lying on the sofa or tilting their fingers all day and doing the same thing constantly for hours which results in backache, headache, eye strain, and much worse.
A recent survey found that those are working on computers most were suffering from severe back pain, headaches, and wrist pain.
Those who work on designs and animations do not get a chance to blink, staring for a long time on the screen can only cause more problems for the eye. Vitamin D deficiency can also be caused by sitting at home without moving.
In-office people do their work, constantly move around for meetings, co-ordination and go out for lunch breaks, refreshments, etc but when working from home they sit constantly in a place hoping to finish the work as soon as possible.

In this scenario neither are they moving nor is there a break from the screen. This can cause serious health problems, from muscle catch, obesity, backache to severe headache and more.
Besides when the office time gets over people leave the work there and return home but during work from home. The work becomes so constant people often get calls from the office until midnight and sit overnight to finish work which is more overburdened than what it actually is.
The work environment at home adds additional responsibility, especially for working women. They have to take care of household chores and simultaneously finish office work. Which doubles the stress, increases anxiety, and lags the work altogether.
And for the headache, backache and constantly bothering neck pain experts say that folding a soft cloth and placing it under the neck before taking the support of the pillow will help reduce neck pain and also improve sleep.

The work stress can be blown out by
- Taking a walk around the house every evening or taking short breaks and walking a short distance to blow off the steam cooking inside your head.
- Playing with children, animals. Interacting with other people in the house or ringing up a friend.
- Lending a hand in household chores
- going grocery shopping
- Trying new recipes
- gardening
- Indulging in leisure sports like chess, carom, badminton, etc.
- And the most advisable thing is 20-20 screen time i.e., every 20 minutes take a break from the screen for 20 seconds and look at the object that is 20 feet away.