Children like to eat ice cream, fries, burgers, but when it comes to peas and beans they just run for the hill, and it is oh-so troublesome for you. Feeding kids can be so difficult.
Feeding greens to children is a challenge for every parent! But do children need all kinds of nutrients to grow up healthy!
According to a report published by Michigan State University, the benefits of teaching children to eat are proven to be great. It might look small but it is something that would help children kick start towards independence. Remember how we say we can’t spoon-feed you everything. So, just don’t stop spoon-feeding your kid and let them learn how to feed themselves.
As well as the way they eat has a greater impact on their health. The report stated that children should be checked for obesity from an early age if they are consuming a lot of food. According to recent research, 70% of Indian kids are going to be obese by 2025 and 100% BY 2027.

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Here are some tips from experts to help children adopt healthy eating habits.
- Food should be chewed well- Chewed food helps in faster digestion. Thereby preventing overeating.
- Children should get into the habit of eating healthy snacks from an early age. It can teach you good eating habits and prevent them from eating junk, fried food.
- Also, take your children with you when you go to the grocery store. Teach them how to select healthy items. This kind of sharing allows children to show interest in food.

If your children are refusing to eat the food claiming it to be boring you need to top up your game. Try new recipes with fruits and vegetables instead of giving them regular fruit salad make them salsa, smoothie, dips, or fruit kababs.
You might think it is complicated but trust us you will get hang of it and will find these easier than the others. Trying something differently will keep your children in check and they would be interested to try the food.
Pick a fruit or vegetable for the day and try different things with them and feed healthy instead of sugary cereals.
Experts say that it is these small consequences that make children more interested in food.
As kids, they would stick to chocolate, pancakes, popsicles but what they really need is a lot of nutrients like fruits, vegetables, oats, millets, raisins, etc.
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