Your immunity system acts as a shield against bacteria and viruses and protects you from diseases and keeps you healthy.
It is very important to have a good immunity system.
So, the first thing that pops into your mind is how to boost my immunity system? Well, there are several ways one can boost the immunity system- by maintaining a healthy diet, staying active, taking vitamin and mineral supplements, saying no to alcohol and nicotine.
Our habits directly influence our immunity system, here is how you can naturally boost your immunity system:
Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can cause kidney, cardiovascular, and various other problems. It can damage your health severely.
Drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water per day, you can also drink fruit juice or tea but without sugar will be better if you want to stay healthy.
Well you might think it isn’t associated with immunity, yes, it is directly not associated with boosting immunity but it is very important with keeping you healthy.
Eat healthily

Incorporate healthy food in your diet- broccoli, almonds, greens, lentils, yogurt, shellfish, green tea, citrus fruit all these are rich in antioxidants and nutrients which will boost your immunity.
Sit back and relax

Stressing too much is a bad sign, yes, sometimes stress is good it will push you forward to do better things but not long stress.
If you are stressed for a long it will have a negative impact on your health, you’re eating habits, sleeping patterns may change due to the stress, you can regularly fall sick and have serious migraine issues.
Basically, stressing too much means triggering a chain of diseases. If you don’t want your body to be a house for viruses and disease you have to curb your stress and learn to sit back, relax and appreciate life.
Read More: 7 Ways To Protect Your Mental Wellness
Sleep, sleep, sleep

Inadequate sleep will not only make your cranky but also will make you prone to diseases, lack of sleep can release stress hormones.
Hence, getting sleep is very essential 7-8 hours of sleep is a must.
Avoid using electronic gadgets at least for an hour before going to sleep.
Stay active

Stop procrastinating and start small, try to walk for 15 minutes a day and do a bit of cardio or yoga or mediation for 30 minutes and you will definitely see its benefits as you do it and you will fall in love with the routine.
Exercising relieves stress, boosts your mood, tardiness and will keep you active.

Supplements can strengthen your general immune system, vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and such other supplements can help make you strong.
But it is best to consult a doctor first before going ahead with the supplements the doctor will help you find the right supplement.
Wash your hands

Develop a personal hygienic routine wash your hands regularly with soap or sanitizer to say bye, bye, germs, and develop a habit of taking shower when you get home from outside.
Maintain a healthy weight

Food cravings will not stop, if you don’t give a break to your mouth and your hand it will become very difficult to manage weight, overweight can be a cause of a weaker immunity system.
It will make you lazy, tardy and your immunity will start depleting in front of your eyes without you even noticing it.
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