Backache, bone, and muscle-related problems are faced not only by the elderly but also in young people. The bone problems have been significantly increasing among the young generation these days.
The first piece of advice is to increase the intake of calcium immediately to reverse the problem. However, calcium alone is not enough to improve bone health. Proteins and vitamin D also help build strong bones. Here are some things that you need to include in your daily food to keep your bones and back strong.
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The role of bananas in the digestive process is crucial. It is also rich in magnesium. Vitamins and other minerals are very important in the formation of bones and teeth. Eating a banana every day is not only good for your bones but also good for your health.

Eating leafy green leafy vegetables, which are high in calcium, makes bones and teeth stronger. Studies show that a cup of boiled lettuce provides up to 25 percent of the body’s daily requirement of calcium. Fiber-rich spinach is also high in vitamin ‘A’ and iron levels.
Dry Fruits

In addition to calcium, magnesium and potassium are also essential for bone health. Magnesium helps bones absorb and store calcium. According to the National Institutes of Health, only the teeth and bones use up to 85% of the total potassium in your body. And dry fruits can be a great addition to your bone health.
Dairy Products

When it comes to bone health, the importance of dairy products like milk, yogurt, and butter should definitely be mentioned. Because these are rich in calcium. According to the US Department of Agriculture, a cup of milk and yogurt daily provides enough calcium.

Fresh orange juice is everybody’s favorite pulpy drink. The nutrients in it are also very good for health. Its calcium and vitamin ‘D’ play a key role in strengthening the bones. Eating oranges regularly can help protect against osteoporosis.

Papaya also has high calcium levels. Experts say that eating 100 grams of papaya slices provides 20 milligrams of calcium.

Omega-3 fatty acids are very good for bone nutrition. High-fat fish fry, curry, grill, or in whatever form you take it you get enough nutrients to go on.
Bone development usually occurs only up to the age of 35 years. After that, the bones start to melt or decay. Therefore, experts advise adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking nutrition regularly.