Dressing up perfectly is very important to all of us. Looking presentable from head to toe is the chant even though you are super uncomfortable with what you are wearing.
You care about the color of the dress, your accessories, and slippers but do you really understand the importance of wearing right instead of wearing the right color. Wearing the right footwear is as important as your clothing.
Because from the moment we leave the house to the time we return home, our feet are kept in place and carefully guarded by the footwear, so for an understanding of what kind of footwear is to be chosen!
Picking up pointy shoes or the ones with glossy designs can look appealing outside but it is not really good for your feet. Especially orthopedic and diabetic patients who have undergone various surgeries are at a disadvantage if they do not choose the right footwear.
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Fractures and infections of the feet are not to be blamed if proper sandals are not worn. Wearing tight shoes not only stops the growth of nails but also causes the ends of the nails to get stuck in the toes and become infected. Patients with diabetes are at risk of developing such conditions. Also, wearing large size sandals and shoes is not a good idea. Heel problems can occur. Experts warn that this can lead to sprains and strains.

Patients with lifestyle-related ailments such as heart disease, chronic illness, BP, and diabetes naturally have swollen feet. Swelling of the feet is also common in people who work in a chair for long periods of time. This is because prolonged sitting causes the muscles to stop moving and the feet to swell. It is most often swollen for two to three hours in the afternoon.
If you buy sandals at this time, it is possible to look slightly larger than the normal size. That is why it is better to buy sandals in the afternoon or evening. Experts say that wearing the right size sandals and shoes will keep you comfortable and keep your feet strong.
When buying shoes, do not jump to a conclusion just because the shoe fits into one leg without any hassle try it on both feet and take a small walk inside the shop. No shop owner will refuse you the trial. Buy the shoes/sandals only if you are comfortable walking in them otherwise don’t even think about it even if it has a great look because it would not have a great feel to your feet.
Similarly, when buying shoes if you are trying it on with socks make sure there is at least half an inch of space in front of the shoes. Otherwise, the growth of the calyx will stop, which can lead to the problem of infections. It is also equally important to make sure that the shoes are always clean.
Occasionally you can sense the residual odor emitting from shoes or sandals but in good quality sandals, there will be no pungent odor.
Usually, the color of good-quality sandals is not dark. The color of the same inexpensive sandals is very bright, these colors are mostly cadmium, lead, and other heavy metal elements, which can seriously affect the health of children so light colors are good.
And remember never to buy tight or exact fitting sandals. Experts advise that the length inside the slipper should be at least one cm longer than the child’s foot.
Don’t buy sandals with heavyweight because they will cause uneasiness to your feet as they are very thick and strong.