Caffeine addicts here is a piece of good news for you. Coffee can cure this disease. Keep reading to find more about it.
Coffee addicts are mostly said that they would get diabetics, develop anxiety, fatigue, low energy, etc. people who chug down two to three mugs of coffee per day are often suggested to slow down since it would cause a lot of health issues but in reality, caffeine doesn’t only have cons but there are some hidden pros we might have not been well aware of.
Consumption of coffee Daily can prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease: Drinking a hot cup of coffee every morning is not the start of the day for most people. Good news for such coffee lovers! Recent studies have shown that coffee drinkers are less likely to forget than non-coffee drinkers
Researchers at Edith Cowan University in Australia conducted a 10-year long study that scrutinized the behavior of 200 people. The study concluded that people drinking coffee are to have more memory power and less likely to have any neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s. These studies suggest a strong positive link between coffee and memory.
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Alzheimer is a disease that can deplete your memory power and can also damage the nervous system but coffee drinkers do not have to worry about it since caffeine has all the factors that are particularly helpful in blocking the amyloid protein, which plays a key role in the development of Alzheimer’s in the brain, and that drinking coffee is an easy way to delay Alzheimer’s disease. This is very good news for people suffering from memory loss.
Coffee is a must-have, for any Affiliate. If you drink one cup of coffee at the rate of 240 grams per day, it is advisable to add an additional cup. The researchers found that after 18 months, the problem of forgetfulness was reduced by up to 8%, as well as a 5% reduction in the formation of amyloid protein in the brain.
Amyloid can cause Alzheimer’s disease by causing strong plaques in the brain.
The exact causes of coffee’s positive effects on brain health are not yet known, and researchers say more research is determined to carry forward their work to find out more on if it is the only cause of Alzheimer’s delay.
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