Milk had played a prominent part in children’s lives throughout the centuries they are the vital source of vitamins and minerals but since a few years, the consumption of milk and dairy products has been reduced since most people are considering it bad for health and also people are turning vegan the natural cow milk consumption has been reducing ever since people have come to see the tyranny of commercial farms and animal abuse.
Soy milk and almond milk consumption on the other side has been increasing.
Milk is high in potassium and calcium which helps in bone growth during the growth phase. Milk is the only beverage that contains all the nutrients, according to a study by the National Institutes of Health. It also estimated that children who drank milk would gain 20% more weight compared to those who did not drink.
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Milk is a great source of nine essential amino acids, providing quality protein. It helps reduce age-related muscle loss.
Milk helps the body to properly absorb calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Milk is a great way to lose weight in case of obesity.

Studies have been conducted to identify the effect of milk consumption in children. The Fortified Milk program found that the number of children with anemia decreased after consuming milk regularly.
Several studies have concluded that milk has a positive effect on reducing vision loss in children. They also found that drinking more milk significantly improved IQ levels and increased their interest in physical activity such as sports.
Even though India is the largest producer in the world, according to the 2018 Report on the Global Nutrition, more than three out of every 10 children suffer from lack of nutrition and some have chosen to forfeit milk from their day to day meals oblivion to the fact that it is the richest source of calcium for stronger bones.
Milk plays an essential role in child’s growth to make them stronger from the inside at the earliest.