Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering! In IITs, NITs, other engineering institutes .. MTech, Integrated MTech, Ph.D., etc. courses. The first step for admission! Moreover, in the public sector companies hire candidates according to the GATE score Therefore .. the number of candidates applying for GATE every year is in lakhs. The latest GATE-2022 notification has been released. The application process will start on the 30th of this month (August). In this context .. GATE changes – 2022.

Many changes have taken place in GATE-2022. In particular two papers were newly added. They are … Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering; Geomatics Engineering. This brings the total number of subject papers at the gate to 29. It is also possible to attend one or two of these papers. The attendance system for both papers has been newly implemented from GATE-2021. Candidates are required to select the papers they want to write from the approved (combination of two papers) list. Students who want to attend both the papers. This matter must be mentioned at the time of application.
In Engineering / Technology / Architecture / Commerce / Science / Arts .. Bachelor’s degree must be passed. Final year students of the respective courses can also apply. BTech third-year students are also eligible to apply. There is no maximum age limit for application.
Online test
The GATE test is conducted online (computer-based test) over 3 hours.
► A total of 65 questions – Examination will be conducted for 100 marks.
GATE, which is divided into two sections .. Part – A General Aptitude. This section is for 15 marks. It consists of five one-mark questions and five two-mark questions.
Part-B will be on the subject chosen by the candidates. This section contains a total of 55 questions. There are 25 questions for one mark and 30 questions for two marks.
There will be questions for 10–15 marks from Engineering Mathematics in Part-B itself.
Three types of Questions
The ‘GATE’ exam asks three types of questions. They are .. Objective type questions which are referred to as Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). The second type of question. Multiple Select Questions (MSQ). Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions in the third method.
In the MCQ Question Process .. one of the four or five options has to be identified as the correct answer.
In Multiple Select Questions. More than one option is the correct answer. To answer such questions .. Candidates should have a comprehensive understanding of the relevant topic.
► Numerical Answer Type Questions are subject to some calculations. The answer to these has to be typed through the virtual keypad.
Syllabus Analysis
Candidates should first have a thorough understanding of the GATE examination procedure. Therefore, the syllabus should be examined about the subject of their choice. Past question papers should be analyzed. The weightage given to the respective topics should be noted in the previous question papers. After that, the gate syllabus should be integrated with the academic syllabus and the preparation should proceed. They need to tailor their preparation strategies accordingly. Experts say it is especially good for BTech final year students to start prep from now on.
Following the weightage
Considering the GATE-2022 exam dates .. Candidates have more than six months’ time available. We can say that this time is enough for serious candidates to achieve success. There are some important strategies to follow for this. Mainly self-analysis on their strengths and weaknesses in the respective subjects. The weightage available at the gate for the last five years should be prepared in accordance with the academic weightage priority. Make a time plan to complete the preparation for the last week of December or the first week of January.
Basics, Application Approach
In order to get a good score in the gate and get admission to IITs .. Candidates should have a firm grasp on the basics in the subject of their choice. After that, you need to raise awareness of advanced techniques. As you read each topic you should identify the questionable items in it. Clarify the basic concepts related to them. Assess how many types of questions are likely to be asked from one topic. Should be practiced to that extent. With this, no matter how the question is asked in the exam, you will be ready to answer. In addition to attending weekly tests, mock tests, model tests.

Time rule
Time management is very important in gate success. At present students should plan to devote at least six hours a day to gate preparation. Attempts should be made to allocate time though. The GATE exam is conducted entirely online. So students should be aware of the online testing method from now on. Learn about virtual calculator usage, onscreen answers, and recognition. For this, it is useful to attend online model tests if possible. Engineering Services Exam is also a gateway to practice old question papers
Contributes to the success of lo.
As a pillar of academics
GATE students should move forward with academic books as support. Because. If you look at the past questions of the gate, the test style. It is becoming clear that most of the questions are asked from academic books. Especially asking questions from interrelated topics. When reading any topic .. one should study the books that have prerequisites related to it. In addition to each topic .. Basic concepts, concepts, applications need to know thoroughly.
It’s Just a First Step
The GATE score is only the first step to admission in IITs, NITs, and other central government technical education institutes. Candidates in the next stage will also have to succeed in the special admission process conducted by the IITs where they have applied. The respective IITs conduct examinations in the name of personal tasks and group discussions. Some IITs also handle essay writing. Admission is open to those who are successful in these.
PSUs Consider GATE Score
Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are making entry-level appointments based on the GATE score. The winners of these will have a personal interview at the end. The gate score is 70 percent and the second stage selection process is 30 percent weightage.
If the score is achieved
Candidates expecting seats in IITs, PSU calls through success at the gate … should strive to achieve a score of at least over 650 at the gate. Many institutes set a minimum cutoff of 600. The final selection will be up to 800 for the final cut off in the core branches. With this in mind, students of branches like CSE, ECE, IT, EEE, Mechanical should prepare with a definite plan from now on.
GATE – 2022 Info
Application Procedure: Apply online.
The online application process begins on August 30, 2021
Last date for online applications: September 24, 2021
► Gate Paper Change, Category, Exam Center Last Date for Change: November 12, 2021
► GATE – 2022 Online Exam Dates: The exam will be held on February 5, 6, 12, 13 2022 in two slots per day.
GATE test results revealed: March 17, 2022
Website for full details:
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