Meghan Markle is Part-Time Vegan. What About Prince Harry?

Meghan Markle is Part-Time Vegan. What About Prince Harry? 1

Meghan Markle is a part-time vegan. On weekdays her diet is plant-based, but over the weekend she digs into meat kind food. Now, it is speculated whether she would encourage Prince Harry to follow the same. It could be possible he may agree as she had earlier encouaged him to quit smoking and eat healthy.

In an interview to Best Health magazine in May 2016 she said is a self-declared part-time vegan.

She added, “…When I’m filming, I’m conscious of what I eat. I try to eat vegan during the week and then have a little bit more flexibility with what I dig into on the weekends… But at the same time, it’s all about balance.”

Meghan is a gym going lady and so she also is careful not to be very strict about her diet. She would rather not stick to a diet, but to follow a lifestyle eating.

Usually those who are vegan does not eat dairy, eggs, meat, and honey. But a moderate vegan eats these occassionally and they are called as a flexitarian vegan. Lately such concept has gained popularity.

If believed to a research, risk of disease is less for those who has more of plant-based diet as intake of whole-plant food increases.

However, diet experts suggests plan meals around plants and enjoy things within reason.

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