The UN report warns that the global environment is at risk and that there is no place for people to flee if the world does not take appropriate action. The report expressed concern that if conditions continue like this, temperatures in the next decade will exceed danger levels than previously thought. Linda Merns, author of a report released by the United Nations entitled ‘Code Red for Humanity’, says the environmental situation is deteriorating. Be warned that there is no way out of this upheaval. The report is released by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) of the United Nations.

The IPCC has said that there is no doubt that this climate change in the global environment is due to human error. The IPCC has never made such serious predictions in the 21st century. He said that in order to avoid the impending danger, carbon emissions would have to be reduced more than twice as fast as stated in the Paris Agreement. According to the 2015 Paris Agreement, world leaders have agreed to take steps to ensure that global temperatures do not rise above 1.5 degrees Celsius above 19th-century levels. Already global temperatures are 1.1 degrees Celsius higher than 19th-century highs. That means the world seems to be very close to the threat.
Five ways
The report cites five types of future forecasts depending on the approach to global carbon emissions. 1. Countries take pollution prevention measures faster and heavier than expected. 2. There are serious pollution prevention measures, but they are not heavy. 3. Undertake a moderate emissions control. 4. Continuing existing short-term plans. 5. The report explains that there are five types of predictions that carbon emissions will increase further and that so far, the world has been moving in a fifth way, and in recent times has been mediating between three and four ways. The report warns that temperatures could cross the 1.5 degree Celsius target by 2030 in any of the above five routes.
Global warming is expected to rise by 2 degrees Celsius, following the 3,4 paths, and 3.3 degrees Celsius higher than the global temperature forecast by 2100 if the fifth path continues. But the report predicts that the change in the outlook of the countries may not be so dangerous. Extreme levels of flood danger were announced in at least three places. The slowdown in the Atlantic Ocean currents that everyone fears may not be this century. However, the report said that everyone should take steps to reduce carbon emissions and temperatures without neglecting the situation

Countries’ response
The report will be discussed at the International Conference on the Environment in November. Many world leaders believe the report underscores the need for immediate action to reduce emissions. This is a strong warning from US Secretary of State Blinken. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has expressed concern that this is a code of conduct for humanity. Guterres appealed to world leaders to take steps to at least implement the Paris Agreement. Alok Sharma, who is presiding over a conference in Scotland, appealed to all leaders to take action in this regard. More than a hundred countries have pledged to take action to control human-caused carbon dioxide.
Harm if the heat increases
The report said that the rise in surface temperatures could lead to hot gases, droughts, and unpredictable floods. It has witnessed numerous examples of concern that changes in climate in recent times have been so rapid, severe, and unprecedented in millennia.
Signs of worsening sea levels include rising sea levels, slowing ice melting in the Arctic Ocean, and worsening hurricanes.
Severe hailstorms that used to occur once every 50 years are now evident once every ten years, a testament to the drastic change in the climate. These winds appear twice every seven years as global temperatures rise by another degree.
As temperatures rise, not only can unpredictable climatic changes appear, but multiple products are likely to occur simultaneously. Similar events are already taking place in the western US (hailstorms, droughts, and wildfires).
This change in temperature is also the cause of the latest fires in Greece and Turkey.
► As the condition worsens, the percentage of oxygen in the oceans decreases, and they become acidic, and if this happens, they will not return to normal for thousands of years.
Carbon dioxide and methane emissions are the main causes of rising temperatures. Both are produced by the use of fossil fuels and by metabolism in living organisms.
Scientists have been warning of these consequences for 30 years; The IPCC is aware that steps must be taken now to withstand the onslaught that will take place in the coming decades. Although the current temperatures cannot be lowered, care should be taken not to rise further. This requires controlling greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide emissions.
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