Former US President Donald Trump has quoted India devastated by the covid-19 pandemic on Friday answering a question. This is the first time Donald Trump has commented on the coronavirus situation in India since stepping down.
Donald Trump cited the example of India, which is facing a severe public health crisis. During an interview with Fox News. Stating once again, China is responsible for the spread of the virus, demanding $ 10 trillion from China to the United States. Trump made critical remarks during the interview.
“The number is much higher than that. But there’s only so much they can pay. And that’s to us. The number is bigger throughout the world. Look, countries have been destroyed over what they did, and whether by accident or not. And I would hope that it was an accident. I hope that it was through incompetence or an accident,” Trump said, wanting China to compensate the whole world for the covid-19 tragic.
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“But, when you look, whether it was by accident, whether it was — whatever it is, this — you look at these countries. They will never, ever be the same. Our country was hit so hard. But other countries were hit much harder,” Donald Trump commented that the public health crisis in India was unprecedented.

“Look at what’s going on in India now. You know, they used to say, look how well India was doing, because they were always looking for an excuse — look how well India is doing. The fact that India has just been devastated now, and virtually, every country has been devastated,” Trump said.
” I think that’s one of the reasons that I feel it’s very important to find out where it came from, how it came. I think I know. I mean, I feel certain about it. But certainly, China should help. Right now, their economy and our economy are the two economies that are coming back the fastest,” he reasoned.
The coronavirus was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. During his period of presidency, Trump openly accused China of setting the virus loose, and now most of the world aggress to it. Trump has constantly referred to the coronavirus as the “China Virus,” while Beijing had always denied his claims.
So far, the coronavirus epidemic has infected 17.75 crore people worldwide. 38.35 lakh people died.
India was praised all around the world for managing the first wave very well, but the second wave was unexpected and took a devastating turn in the country, killing Lakhs of people. India faced a huge crisis managing the second wave shortage of oxygen, medical supplies, personnel, bed, vaccination.
Many countries from around the world helped India fight the second wave by providing everything they can from oxygen to funds.
Things are getting under control now as the cases are decreasing, and more and more people are coming forward to get vaccinated.
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