After the end of WandaVision, the Marvel studios released one out of six episodes of its next series The Falcon and The Winter Solider on March 19th, Friday.
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was one of the most anticipated MCU shows released on Disney+ featuring Antony Mickey (Sam Wilson), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barns) reprising their roles as The Falcon and the Winter Solider.
After Tony Stark, Steve Rogers uses the quantum realm to return the infinity stones back to their places in their own time, however, he did not return the way he left, he chooses to stay in the past with the love of his life Peggy. When he does returns, he is around 103-105 years.
Captain America played by Chris Evans passed on his shield to Sam Wilson in the Avengers: Endgame fans were curious about what next for the shield as well as the much anticipation of who would be the new Captain America.
Especially after the series of trailers of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier came out, fans weren’t sure of any easter eggs.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe returned to its origins with the release of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier on Friday.
Although the first episode of the Disney+ show concentrated more on Sam Wilson’s (Anthony Mackie) and Bucky Barnes’s (Sebastian Stan) whereabouts following the events of the Endgame it was the scenes of new Captain America that left fans alarmed.
In the first half of the premiered episode of the falcon and the winter soldier, we see Sam returning the captains’ iconic vibranium shield to the government as he feels he doesn’t deserve it.

However, the government had its own plans and by the end of the episode, they bring forward their own new Captain America.

Looks like Marvel Fans are super disappointed and started “booing” the new captain America played by Russell Wyatt.
The twist of events in the falcon and the winter soldier series resulted in many social media responses. In order to show their shock and dismay, fans started trending the “Not My Captain” tag and added Sam was better deserving.
Although the makers of the series did not disclose the real identity man in Cap’s uniform.
Fans recalled Rusell Wyatt’s jawline looked very similar to the 2009 Disney Pixar movie Up character Carl Fredericksen and started flooding memes of it.
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