Waiting for a last-minute exam miracle? and panicking painstakingly before the exam? not going to work. If you are mugging up the whole textbook the previous day of the exam here are some tips for you to increase your memory and read more at the last minute.
Use these techniques while you are studying. we are not promising you 100 on 100 but we assure you these techniques have helped students score more.
Eat, Study, Sleep, Repeat

Most people memorize very hard to learn the subject, but long-term memory doesn’t store that much information. So, byhearting is a wrong choice. To store information in our long-term memory, we have to eat and sleep properly.
staying up all night a night before the exam can only make things worst for you. It is a proven fact that the people who sleep after studying have seen an increase in their retention power. So that they will not forget the concept they learned.
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Take notes by hand

According to the Princeton researchers, whoever read & write notes side by side has a good percent of retaining the information in their mind for a longer period than the ones studying from smartphones will understand and remember the subject (or) concept very well.
Connecting topics

Always try to link a topic to another topic in the subject. It helps you remember quickly also increases your memory power and you would be easily able to link one topic to another during your exams.
Take break

According to Lusiana university USA, researchers declared that if a person wants to remember perfectly, should study at least more than 30 minutes and less than 50 minutes, must take 15 minutes break in-between in order for the brain to grasp the information and store it before moving to another.
Mix it up

Mix your learning patterns like studying for a while, writing, and explaining it out loud. It prevents our brain from getting bored, becoming very active, and increasing our memory power. instead of sitting in a corner and mugging from the book alter your pattern and mix up your study routine.
Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is very important, especially during stressed time it will only increase your metabolism. During exam time the short-term memory will work fast & long-term memory will become strong, bringing activeness in your body and your memory.
Speed reading
On average, a person can read 200 words in one minute. To sharpen your memory, you have to practice speed reading. Try reading 500 words first and then 700 to 1000 words, this will enable our subconscious mind to store memory & this will make us understand quickly.
Use music

We often see people listening to music while studying and, also some people say music is a distraction. According to researchers, slow music with a loop rather than loud music increases concentration levels. Not only that, music can train our minds to grab more information.
The main advantage of listening to music is stress relief & helps us concentrate. Hence, if you want to try while studying, search ‘music for study’ on youtube (or) in any other music app.
Chew Gum

Generally, people think chewing gum is a bad habit. But it has been proved that a person who chews gum will be more attentive, and stress levels will also decrease. So try chewing bubble gum while you study and observe it.
Teaching others

Teaching someone is a kind of superpower. If we teach someone after studying, we will remember the concept for more duration or else, we will forget it very quickly. It happens because we will prepare more by noting all the points in our understanding format. Always try to explain or teach someone, you will be well prepared.
These are some ten international succeeded techniques. So, choose any of these techniques which are helpful to you and start preparing for your exams accordingly.
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