The world’s largest vaccination drive in India began last month. In this context, the community social media platform ‘Local Circles’ conducted a survey.
This new study revealed interesting results. The study found that the number of people coming forward to get the corona vaccine has increased, but the number of central and state government leaders, MPs, MLAs, film and sports celebrities who have come forward to be vaccinated is likely to increase further.
According to a study by local circles conducted with more than 25,000 citizens in 289 districts of the country, the vaccine outbreak in India has dropped by 16 percent in just one month, just weeks after India launched its biggest vaccine drive on January 16.
The survey found that only a small percentage of people are aware of the effectiveness of the vaccine and are concerned about side effects.
58 percent still have no hesitation in taking the covid-19 vaccine. Earlier, MPs and other politicians said they would not hesitate to get vaccinated if they were vaccinated. Though 39 percent of people were reluctant.
However, it is estimated that the number of people who are willing to be vaccinated will increase from the current 42 percent to 65 percent if all celebrities take the vaccine.
The survey also found that corona contraction levels could fall from 58 percent to 35 percent. 29 percent said they would wait up to three months, 5 percent said they would wait 3-6 months, 12 percent said they would wait 6-12 months, 5 percent said they would wait more than 12 months and then 5 percent said they would decide later.
Only 2 percent of citizens told they would get vaccinated. The Local Circles survey found that 5 percent said nothing.
According to Harish Bijoor, a brand strategy expert and founder of the consulting firm, concerns about the safety and effectiveness of public vaccines such as polio are in doubt. Leading political leaders (center, chief ministers, cabinet ministers) of the country should be hired to effectively implement the vaccine drive.
Bollywood celebrities and cricketers, who have a huge fan following, have come to alleviate fears and build trust among the people by sharing their experiences as well as getting vaccinated.
Second Covid-19 Vaccine shot
The second dose of Covid-19 vaccination will start across India from the 13th of this month, said Dr. VK Paul, a member of the Justice Commission.
Health workers who have already received the first dose say 49,93,427 will receive the second dose. Only 0.18 percent of those who received the dose reported side effects.
It is learned that the largest vaccination program in the world started in the country on January 16.
Currently, the Oxford Vaccine CoviShield, manufactured by the Serum Institute, is being administered to health workers in India by the Bharath Biotech’s covaxin.
The total number of corona cases in the country rose to 1,07,90183 with 12,899 new cases being registered. The death toll rose to 1,54,703.

US President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Queen Elizabeth II, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, King Salman of Saudi Arabia, and Indonesian President Joko Widodo have publicly taken the vaccination.
What is happening in the mutant origin country?
Ever since the scientist discovered the new coronavirus strain. The United Kingdom has been going under serious lockdown to restrain the virus from spreading.
The British government started the vaccination drive in mid-January.
Recently, British Minister has expressed concern that there are more than 4,000 variants of the coronavirus, all of which are increasing the number of Covid-19 cases.
Nadeem Zahawi, the minister overseeing the corona vaccine program in Britain, said Pfizer and AstraZeneca needed to increase the effectiveness of their vaccines.
Minister Nadeem Zahavi pointed out that more than 50 percent of the genetic registration industry is in Britain and that if all types of the virus are stored in libraries, the vaccine can be developed to meet the challenges it poses when needed.
United Kingdom’s mix and match Experiment
The British government is trying to figure out how two different companies can give two Corona doses to one person.
Nadeem said that human experiments have been started in this regard. This is the first time in the world that vaccines have been given in a mix and match style.
Some studies have shown that giving two different types of Covid-19 vaccines can lead to better results.