Where did the coronavirus come from? This one question has bugged millions of people for a year now. The World Health Organization (WHO) experts have concluded that the virus was leaked from Wuhan’s lab in China, it doesn’t stop at that. Is it a natural virus?… or was it modified in the labs of Wuhan? Nobody knows!
It has been a year and a half since the coronavirus came to light. The pandemic that began in Wuhan, China, did not take a long time to sweep the world, in a short period it spread like a world fire all around the globe.
Claiming millions of lives. Where did this SARS-Cov-2 virus originate? There is still no satisfactory answer to the questions of how the virus was born. Although china gave some proof of the coronavirus originating from bats, in Wuhan’s wet market no one was ready to believe china’s little white lies except for WHO.
Earlier this year, allegations surfaced that the virus had been accidentally leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan.
After intense discussions, a team of World Health Organization experts went to Wuhan and conducted observations. And the report WHO came up with was “coronavirus can be transmitted from wild animals to humans through butcher shops, and the chances of it being produced in a laboratory are slim.” Giving a clean sheet for China.
While China and WHO both thought that the matters has been settled. The former United States President Donald Trump openly accused WHO of conspiring with China and manipulating the investigation. Researchers and scholars all around the world did not agree with WHO’s report as well.
The latest President of the United States, Joe Biden has once again stirred the conversation by providing proof of China creating the virus.
Conspiracy Around The Laboratory?
Right from the beginning, the only story we have heard is that the virus being accidentally leaked from The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) but is it really an accident?
The WIV is the largest biological research center in China. The research center is located a few kilometers from the Hunan slaughterhouse where the coronavirus was first detected.
It is deemed that the virus escaped from the laboratory, reached the animals in the wet market. China has been giving this explanation continuously but no one is ready to believe their theory.
Last year, US President Trump accused the Chinese of conspiring and realizing the virus into the world intentionally. While the others argue that China has used the coronavirus as a biological weapon.
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Evidence Of China Plotting?
The issue did not succumb but went cold for a while which has resurfaced again. U.S. intelligence reports claim that three Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers were treated for corona symptoms in November 2019, even before the name of the coronavirus was heard.
Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who dismissed the conspiracy at the time, urged, “A complete and an honest investigation is required in this matter”
America has been arguing from the beginning that everything coming from China’s mouth is a lie. They did not stop accusing china.
According to a leaked research paper, The Chinese government discovered the coronavirus in a remote mine in China in 2015, a Professor and a Wuhan’s virology researcher Shi Zhengli published a research paper on it.
The article noted 8 types of coronavirus being identified in bats found in the mine, and that the risk is higher with these coronaviruses. The paper also mentions “ can weaken the enemies health system” and so which shows clearly that China is doing bioterrorism.
Yet China claimed the virus being carried in from other countries import.
China’s official media also went on reporting that coronavirus was born in the United States when their theory of virus being exposed naturally and being transmitted from animal to man did not work. Unfortunately, The World Health Organization report also supported this theory.
However, a study conducted showed no virus similar to the covid-19 was identified in bats and other animals. Which again points towards china.

What The Scientists Had To Say?
There is no consensus among scientists on the origin of the coronavirus. Many scientists allege that the World Health Organization experts’ report is ambiguous and in favor of China.
Some scientists have written in Science Magazines that they need to gather information to determine if the virus is natural or being created. They have also urged WHO to dig deeper. It was noteworthy that after so long and pressures from many countries, including the United States and Australia, are demanding an investigation into the origins of the coronavirus Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, himself called for a fresh inquiry.
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