1968 to 1969 was a period where the small counties to the big cities shut their doors for strangers and prayed every day walking on the road not to be killed by the maniac who called himself Zodiac. The self-proclaimed maniac who according to his own words was “collecting slaves” for his afterlife, communicated with the San Fransisco police department with indirect letters & clues to the newspaper was and still is the most wanted criminal of all time.
The Zodiac killer was a maniac set loose in the 60s-70s. His killings started in the year 1968 where he claimed the lives of a young couple Betty Lou Jensen & David Faraday but the cause of the murder was unknown until the next year when Zodiac, himself took responsibility for the murder and so began the period of Zodia killing.
From shooting lovers in a deserted area, stabbing people at the lake, kidnapping pregnant lady to threatening to blow off children’s bus Zodiac haunted California or let’s say the United States for a long period of time.
Read More: America’s Infamous Unsolved Serial Killer Case: The Zodiac

Since his first killing Zodiac kept the cops informed of his doings, he gave out the information of the crime scene and narrated the weapon used for the murder and would hang up taunting the cops, as if this wasn’t enough he went ahead quizzing them further and experts from all around the world had to be bought together to decode the ciphers yet 52 years later the ciphers remain unsolved.
Tens of thousand people were bought in as suspects, years of interrogation yet fetched nothing close to the day where they missed the killer right by the hook after the murder of the taxi driver in the SanFransico city.
So near yet so far, finding the zodiac did not get any easier, and as the years passed the hunger for attention reduced from the killer and so did his strikes and the news died along with the cops’ retirement yet the case is still a juicy bit for all the crime lovers around the world.
Zodiac did not only create this serial killer finesse among people but also pioneered the copycats like Heriberto Seda who was the infamous “New York Zodiac” who struck NYC during the period of 90s but unlike the real Zodiac killer Seda did not escape after multiple investigations and assessments he was arrested and set up for trial Seda is currently serving his 232 years of imprisonment.

But the mystery of the real Zodiac is yet to be uncovered. Recently a team of private investigators claimed to have solved the case and named a man Gary Francis Poste as the Zodiac killer. One of the lead detective from the team stated that he had received a tip which lead the team to this conclusion after multiple source interrogation and investigation yet the police are convinced by the evidence provided since Porte was not even in the picture of investigation during the period of strike.
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