There are hundred types of cancers currently in the world that are taking people into it’s claw and among them are three types of cancer- Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma that affect the blood. other types of cancer affects bone marrow, and lymphatic system. Being diagnosed with blood cancer can be overwhelming just as being diagnoised with any other cancer.
Blood cancer is caused when there is a mutation in DNA. this results in abnormal cell formation which in turn leads to deadly cancer i.e., blood cancer.
Blood Cancer falls into three main categories
It occurs when abnormal white blood cells block up the lymphatic system (a vital part of your immune system).
When the abnormal plasma cells, block up the bone marrow and force out the healthy blood celss. often there is no cure for Myeloma. Every time the cancer returns back additional treatment is mandatory.
When abnormal white blood cells responsible for fighting infections, block up the bone marrow, they then often move quickly and spread to other areas of the body.
Healthy blood cells are needed to distribute oxygen nutrients and hormones around, our body to fight off infections and removes wastes, the disruption in the flow of healthy blood cells results in tiredness and restlessness, swollen, painful glands, bone pain, night sweats, anemia infection and fever unexplained or unexpected weight loss.
when the white blood cells are crowded by the cancroous cells blocking their activity the ability for our body to fight infection weakeness and the infection lights up like a christmas tree throughout your body.
Leukemia is the deadliest blood cancer of all, earliest diagnosis and right treatment at the right time can save lives.
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Diagnosis and monitoring of blood cancer typically involve blood tests and assessment of symptoms. Sometimes a small sample of bone marrow or lymph node is taken. Most people diagnosed with blood cancer find they need a lot of information and advice.
If you are visiting a doctor, it can be helpful to write down your questions in advance. It is also beneficial to ask a friend, family member, or carer. So someone else can take notes and share their understanding of the advice.
Once the cancer is identified, there are different treatments available depending on the type, how advanced or aggressive it is, and particular medical needs.
- Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy, drugs either taken orally or by infusion to destroy cancer cells but can also damage some healthy cells.
- Targeted therapy
Targeted therapy, drugs, and other substances are taken orally precisely identify and attack cancer cells.

- Radiotherapy
Radiation given by machine implants or injections is used to kill cancer cells. Stem cell or bone marrow transplants replace damaged blood cells with healthy ones.
- Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy treatment that uses the body’s natural defenses to destroy cancer cells.
Speaking to others with shared experiences can also really help you cope and understand the best options available. With the right support and information, you can manage your symptoms, work towards the best outcome, and keep doing the things you love to do.