Vitamin C Enhance The Immune System and Defense Against Viruses

vitamin c

Doctors say that the immune system helps in fighting against viruses and diseases to develop. Immune systems help in detecting the vast varieties of disease-causing agents and differentiate between the healthy and diseases growing tissues. Most of the people use to refer to these invaders agents by terms “germs.” These germs, when entered in our body, lead to direct harm to healthy tissue or may cause damages by depleting the amounts of essential nutrients that are required by the body for the proper immune system. When the tissues and body immune system get critically injured, the cells and body tissues start to work improperly, moreover leading to degrade the health and cause once towards death bed.

One of the other facts is that more than the harm caused by these invader germs, the poor and degraded immune systems lead to so many chronic diseases and destruction in the health.

So in order to remain healthy, one’s body immune system needs so many essential nutrients, like vitamin C. Two types of WBC like neutrophils and macrophage contain about 1 mM of the vitamin C concentrations that are about 50-100 times more than that of the plasma. Studies show that one healthy person can naturally produce 100 billion neutrophils each day. The body’s immune system helps in detecting the invaders’ germs and stimulates the defending actions that help in destroying such germs and kill them as per the strength of one’s body immune system. 

There are other types of white blood cells, Leukocytes, that are one of the significant arms for building the immune system. They include phagocytes, mast cells, eosinophils, natural killer cells, innate lymphoid cells, basophils, and natural killer cells that help in the fight against such germs. So if you want to build such cells and improve the body’s immune system, doctors suggest the daily value of vitamin C, which is about 90mg, regularly in your diet. 

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