Whether you are a marketer, business entity, or a budding entrepreneur your goal is to attract more and more customers or clients, and for this, you need virtual visitors – people who are interested in what you are selling or what you are creating.
But how are you going to draw them in?
Most people set up a great website and create good content but they fail in one step that is in attracting people. If you are not a digital trafficker yourself you are likely to struggle to reach people but it doesn’t have to be so.
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Today we are going to show you seven tricks to increase your traffic:
Give importance to on-page SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a vital element to drive traffic to your website. Make sure you concentrate on your on-page SEO too by ensuring your alt text in place, your URL is precisely optimized, your keywords are in position, you have enough internal and external links and your content is in the right length.
All these factors play an important role too if you want to get your website at the top and gain more traffic.
Aim Long-tail keywords

If you are only focusing on in-trend and short-tailed keywords it is difficult for you to show up in people’s search because there are a lot of popular websites that have hundreds of backlinks from around the world that are competing for the same, hence you have to work on your on-page SEO vitally.
Guest Blogging

If you secure a chance to post on a high-traffic site it is a golden opportunity for you to direct people to your website. You need to utilize this opportunity to the fullest by putting out high-quality content if you want to draw attention towards your site, if you are posting a poor blog on a high traffic site you will sore that site visitors too.
Utilize Social Media Platforms

People won’t find out about you or your content even though it is good if you are isolated in the corner of the internet. Instead of waiting and hoping for people to find you, you start finding people, reach out to them on social media.
Social media are a great way to interact with people and find potential leads. Right now, Instagram is the hot social media with more than 500 million users followed by Pinterest, Snapchat, and others.
Create social media page on various platforms and promote your content with some creative image and graphics.
Interview the Industry leaders
You might read some blogs that have all the inside information about a startup or a company or even read interviews and wonder how they would get it; well, it is simple.
All you have to do is send out emails to the thought leaders in the industry requesting an interview with them you would be utterly surprised at how many people would be willing to talk to you; it is easy for you to finish the interview on phone or in the form of a questioner email.
You will not only get recognition for posting content related to a famous leader in the industry but also the attention of the other leaders.
The interviewee would share your content with his circle and this way your content would reach far, far, and far.
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Check Your Site Speed

An average visitor would wait up to 30 seconds for your website to load if it goes beyond that person will leave and would probably never come back.
So, sit speed can drive away half of your potential customers which might be a cause for your low traffic.
Alter your site; work on the image files, page structure, and plugins to find out what’s pulling your website down and fix it ASAP.

A Responsive Site
Unlike the olden days, people access the internet for most of their searches from their mobile phones. So, you have to ensure that your website fits-for-all sizes whether somebody is opening it from a tab or a phone or a laptop it should be responsive and fit accordingly.
If you are making your viewer scroll all around the phone just to read one sentence or to find a search bar this would immediately piss them off and they would immediately turn and leave every time they see your site.
Ensure your website is comfortable to view on various a range of devices.
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