Investing is a great idea! If you are looking for some extra passive income or to have a good savings by the time of your retirement. You should start investing as soon as possible.
But it is highly important to know the basics of it and learn the fundamentals to invest safely and to make a good fortune.
You should be smart to choose to expand your investment portfolio. It doesn’t matter how little money you have or who you are you might be a teen, a fresh grad, you might have at least saved yourself some thousands use it learn all about the investment world and start investing you can see a corpus growing Infront of your eyes within few years.
We have picked some of the best books for you to start reading before you take on the road of investment.
The little book of common sense investing
John C. Bogle, the founder of the Vanguard Group, is the author of “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing.”
The book heavily focuses on low-cost index funds, tips to make it work.
Although this book is highly recommended by many traders no matter what type of investment you are looking forward to this book is a must-read for all investment enthusiasts.
The little book of common-sense Investing offers a background to create a low-risk portfolio and provides a guide to smart investment choices.
Rich dad poor dad
The “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki is, for a great reason, one of the most popular personal finance books ever.
It tells the story of the author-Kiyosaki who was brought up with his father and his friend’s father and what he learned from both of the fathers, the assets and responsibility, how small investment can get big returns, and what children don’t learn but should be learning.
The first publication is from 1997, however, the book includes an updated take from Kiyosaki in the 20th-anniversary issue.
The Modern Guide to Stock Market Investing for Teens
Alan John a teen from California wrote this amazing modern guide to stock market investing for teens, it covers key tips and tactics for stock market investors.
The book was published in 2020, Alan John emphasizes the importance of investment to young people, how important that it is to invest in early-stage of your life.
This book is a boon to young investors they can learn the strategy of small investing, creating a great financial portfolio,
A Beginner’s Guide to the Stock Market
A beginner’s guide to the stock market is the perfect book written by Matthew R. Kratter. This book breaks down everything about investment- stock types, how they work, how to identify the right stock, how the stock is analyzed for young investors with no experience in the stock market.
It is literally the first best read for new investors. You get to learn the ins and outs of the market with the help of this book!
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The intelligent investor

Another 1930’s book that is worth all your time, Benjamin Graham beautifully explains the fundamental concepts of the financial markets. The book discusses in great depth how to concentrate on a company‘s long-term health or to reduce its risk. Its emphasis is on the long-term strategy of wealth development rather than the pursuit of profits pursuit.
If all this will not make you buy the book, let us tell you that Benjamin Graham the author of the book was the mentor of one of the greatest investors of all time- warren buffet. We know this will defiantly make you read the book!!
Think and grow rich
Think and grow rich is one of the best selling financial guides by Napoleon Hill, originally the book was published in 1937 and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide. The book focuses on the law of success theory in the support of great business masterminds like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and others.
Market wizards

Jack D. Schwager’s- Market Wizards is a profound plunge into how top traders in this industry make money in the stock market annually.
Jack Schwager’s book includes four sections covering interviews with major traders like Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, Paul Tudor Jones, Ed Seykota, and Michel Steinhardt in a wide variety of markets.
The interview covers the ideas, the strategy of investing, and the right attitude of top investors and traders.
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