Wishing that your hair would look better, thicker, and glossier like the shampoo or conditioner ad?
Well, glossy and healthy hair requires a lot of care and a regular routine.
Here are five haircare mantras that you need to follow for healthier, thicker, and glossier hair.
Read More: 10 Skin Care Tips That Dermatologists Approve
Brush Your Hair Once A Day

Most people overbrush or underbrush their hair. They either walk around combing their hair three to five times a day, or they just tie it up and leave it as it-untouched.
Overbrushing can damage your roots, and under brushing can cause hair breakage.
So remember that you need to brush your hair gently only once a day. Start from the end and go upwards instead of pushing the brush down, pulling it out along the process. Starting from above can tug your hair down from the roots. So always start from the middle or the bottom section and go upwards gently.
And make sure your comb is clean. Clean it at least once a week with shampoo and baking soda.
Avoid Hot Shower

Warm water. This is the right temperature to wash your hair. We know it is tempting to just turn the heat up a bit and raise the temperature high just to feel the hot water running through. This will do more damage to your hair than you can ever imagine. It dries your scalp completely, allowing excess oil secretion, which may lead to dandruff and other hair damages.
So, neither cold nor hot, just warm water for healthier hair. At the end of the shower, you can use cold water to lock the moisture in but not excess.
Don’t Overwash Your Hair

One of the most asked questions around about proper hair care routine is how often to wash hair. The answer is two to three times a week; best if it is twice a week.
Washing your hair every day can strip it off of its natural oils, drying your hair, causing breakage, and much more.
So, stop overwashing your hair every day and limit it to twice a week.
Shampoo and Conditioner
The shampoo is for your scalps, and the conditioner is for your hair, but most people don’t stick to it.
They massage their hair with a ton load of shampoo from the scalp to the end of the hair, which is wrong and the amount of shampoo.
People believe the more, the merrier and apply a lot of shampoo to the hair, which is wrong. You need to apply just a spoon or quarter of shampoo to your scalp and massage it, then rinse it off; the shampoo flowing down from the rinse will clean off the end of your hair. Massaging from the scalp to the end is wrong.
Now, let’s get to the conditioner- conditioners are only meant for the hair and not for the scalp. You need to squeeze the excess water off your hair before conditioning hair. Apply a minimum amount of it, gently massage it to your hair, leave it for 15 minutes, and rinse it off with warm water.
Conditioner gives your hair a masked layer from pollution and styling tools.
Minimize The Heat On Your Hair

Constantly using hairstyling devices will really damage your hair; despite using any hair protection product, your hair will be damaged.
When you can quickly dry your hair in the sunlight or tie it up in braids and loose it onced dried, why use a hair dryer. When you can pull off ponytails and buns effortlessly, why use styling machines.
Try to avoid these as much as possible because they are the major reasons you face hair loss and damage.
Use them only when absolutely nessecary not every time.